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Technoprint® was incorporated in 1984 and is based in Morley near Leeds,.

The company became Technoprint plc in 1997 and, after acquiring a dozen other printing businesses between 1999 and 2010, became Technoprint Group Ltd in 2011.

Over the last thirty-five years, the company has predominantly been involved in publications printing, including programme and leaflet printing for the arts and entertainment sectors, magazines and handbooks for the leisure and education markets, shade books and catalogues for the textile industry, and we’ve also printed millions of folded and miniature leaflets for the pharmaceutical sector following the part-acquisition of Sessions of York in April 2010.

Our home for the last twenty-five years has been an historic mill site in the Leeds suburb of Morley, believed by some to be the centre of the universe.  Rods Mills was the second mill in Morley to have steam power back in the 19th century, although sadly none of the original buildings remain. However we do have the wonderful original mill owner’s house and garden to the north of our offices and works (Croft House, listed Grade 2) and an annoyingly noisy American-owned paint manufacturer on what was originally the southern half of the mill site. Well, as they say, you can’t have everything….